Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Thoughts About Habits

So lately I've been catching myself doing some bad habits and I've been thinking about what to do with it.

The question regarding the situation must be: "In the end, who or what kind of person would you like to be remembered as?"

Someone told me that you are the sum of all your previous thoughts and actions. So if you only think shit and commit shitty actions, you therefore must be shit.

It's actually pretty simple. I choose to call it Karma. What goes around comes around, right?

So if you commit to changing your habits into habits that you know are good for you, you will not only feel better but you might also suffer the risk of actually BEING a better person.

So I have made myself a little promise. Habits that are keeping me busy and distracting me from the person I want to be are to be written down, and then I can find the healthy habits by contrast.

Bottom line: you narrate your own story and choose who the hero is. Just make conscious decisions that will lead you to victory - not demise.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

New Breakfast Recipe!

Just today I had an amazing and easy breakfast, and I wanted to share it with you!

The Egg And Spinach Omelet Experience!

What you need is as follows;
• Time: 10 min total (5min prep - 5min cooking)
• Five egg whites
• One whole omega-3 egg (with the yolk)
• One cup with spinach
• Seasoning: Chilli-powder, Himalaya salt, dried oregano.
• Salsa sauce
• Olive oil (or coco-oil/fat)

First you mix up the egg-whites and omega-3 egg with the seasoning (I prefer a lot of dried chilli-powder to make it spicy!)in a bowl, and preheat the frying pan to below max (mine goes from 1-6 and I use 5 on the oven.

Pour the mix in the pan and fry it up! (remember not to over do it!)

Once the omelet is made solid you flip it around and get the fried part up. You then take the spinach and arrange it around the top of the omelet and pretend its a pizza with green pepperoni's all over it for a while before pouring some salsa sauce over it.

Wrap the pizza over itself two times so you end up with a quarter-sized omelet.

It´s breakfast time!!!

*Spinach tip: I usually buy a bag of washed and ready-to-use spinach and trow them right in the freezer! You heard me. It´s genius, believe me. Before a bag of spinach would last maybe 3-4 days in the fridge, now it lasts for weeks. Genius I told you!

Enjoy this delicious breakfast and remember that muscles are built in the kitchen, not the gym!

(next time I´ll make sure I take a picture before I eat it all up!)

 Until next time!
— Bjørnar

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Workout B Update

caSo yeah, the title says it all!

Here´s the B-side of the workout plan:

We start of doing the same dynamic stretches as we do before workout A.

• 12 x Rotational Overhead Press
• 10 x Spidermans
• 9m - Hip Walks
• 12 x Sloooow Wood Chops (6 each side)
• 9m - Frankenstein

Actual workout:
• 2x8-10 — Reverse Fly´s
• 2 x 6-8 — Side Lying External Rotation
• 2 x 4-6 — Russian Twists (each side)
• 2 x 4-6 — Lateral Bridges (each side)
• 2 x 6-8 — Swissball Passes (hurts like a mo**erfu**er!! But getting HUGE results FAST!)
• 3 x 6-8 — Unilateral Deadlift (each leg)

After the workout it´s time for the Static Post-workout Stretches, and I guess my sore body would feel ten times worse if I didn´t do these stretches so they are highly recommended! Also; Yoga is a great addition to static stretches that will help you get your desired physique! remember that you don´t want to be one of those hunched over apes you always see doing bicep-curls and training their chest (probably to bang on when seeing other apes in their territory).

Stretches are as follows:

• Butterfly
• TFL/ITB stretches
• Three Point Stretch
• Seated Rotational Stretch
• IR Broomstick Stretch

Can´t wait to hit the gym again next Monday!

Until Next time!
— Bjørnar

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Quick Update

Hi again!

Yesterday was a really good workout-session with Sondre and Andrew. Even though its only the preliminary workouts we are doing now, I still feel it somewhat in my upper back.  I guess I can thank the dips for that. I now know that doing the preliminary-workouts with the stretches are going to get me much further than if I jumped right on lifting heavy compound lifts without the proper foundation.

So consider doing this yourself! I know its easy to get overly enthusiastic and wanting that ripped body straight away, but you know, life is a work in progress and so it needs to be done step-by-step. There is no need to rush things. You have to think about the end-results, and I believe you get further with a better foundation than not. 

Also, the benefits of training with one or two other guys or girls who have more or less the same starting-point (strength and technique) and who have the same outcome in mind is amazing. Working out is SO much easier. I give team-workouts two thumbs up!

So yeah, team up with someone and take it step by step! You´ll get there soon enough!

Until next time!
— Bjørnar

Monday, October 21, 2013

Today´s Workout Scedule

Recently me and my support-team have done some evaluation on ourselves, finding out our weaknesses and strenghts, and getting a better picture on how our current fundation looks.

Now, everyone who has built a house (or even with lego´s) know you can´t get far without the proper foundation. This means that instead of jumping right on to the heavy weights I´m going to do some correctional workouts first.

Todays workout (with targeting zones/muscles):

Dynamic Stretches (prior actual workout):
• Rotational Overhead Press — x12 (obliques, lats)
• Spiderman (come on, who doesn´t want to be spiderman?!) — x 10, (hip flexors, quads, adductors)
• Hip Walk´s — 9 metres (glutes)
• Slow Wood Chop´s — x12 (obliques, lower back)
• Frankenstein´s — 9 metres (hamstrings)

Workout A:
• Reverse Push-ups — 3 x 6-8 (upper back, biceps)
• Dips — 3 x 6-8 (chest, shoulders, triceps)
• Unanchored Sit-ups — 2 x 6-8 (abdominals, hip flexors)
• Swissball Passes — 2 x 6-8 (abdominals, hip flexors)
• Plank — 2 x 20-30 sec (TVA)
• Platedrags — 2 x 8-10 on each leg (abduction)

Static Post-Workout Stretches:
• Butterfly (adductors)
• TFL / ITB -stretch (outer thigh)
• Three  Point Stretch (quads, hip flexors)
• Seated Rotational Stretch (obliques, lower back)
• IR Broomstick Stretch (internal rotators)

(workouts and stretches provided by the Scrawny to Brawny book)

Now I just need to prepare my workout-shakes with the new Hydrolyzed proteins and BCAA proteins and get ready :)

Realy looking forward to getting training as a new healthy habit!

Until next time!
— Bjørnar

And So It Begins — Again

Sooooo here´s what´s up lately in a quick summary since the post I actually wrote five minutes ago didn´t get saved, and then my iPad thought it be cool to shut down the blogger-app.

Lately I have spent some time putting together a support-team. The support team concists of guys who all want the same outcome. A healthy relationship when it comes to training and gaining muscle-mass. We are currently having weekly meetings where we share non-worout goals as well as our weight-gain goals and its a huge benefit to have someone else with similar goals as you to hold you accountable and to support you to through the process. Highly recommended!

This weekend I also tried out some different protein suplements to help me reach my desired weight. I must admit that being a milk-protein allergic and testing out these kinds of suplements are REALLY scary, because I know the potential negaitve effects of the wrong types of protein. But to my great relief everything went well. I tried out something called hydrolyzed whey proteins, which actually is milk-proteins(!!!) that have gone through a chemical process that breaks down the protein to very small pieces. By breaking down these proteins the body can absorb it alot quicker than your average protein-supplements, and the additional bonus with hydrolyzed proteins is that its non-allergic (even to us with heavy milk-protein allergies)!
The other product I tried is something called BCAA-Pro 5000. This is also proteins that are quickly absorbed by the body and are also safe for us with milk allergies. Bonus is that it tastes really nice!
(link to BCAA-Pro 5000: http://www.nutraplanet.com/product/san/bcaa-pro-5000-100-servings.html )

I have also taken my "Before" pictures and will post them up here soon :)

Until next time!
- Bjørnar